
Strategic & resourceful software developer with over a decade of experience as a full-time software engineer ingrained in the culture of prestigious online marketing agencies. Skilled at promptly developing features with specific goals in mind, with an ability to keep code design simple, and to think outside of the box for complex problems.

Work Experience

      2013 – Present

Iconic Industry

Software Developer

      San Diego, CA
Developed software & managed production environment in an informal DevOps role.
  • Monitored high-availability ad-serving network production environment (LAMP stack), with an emphasis on load times & system uptime.
  • Refactored legacy code into object-oriented code, supplemented with unit tests written for PHPUnit (including load-test specific PHPUnit classes).
  • Integrated internal reporting with RESTful 3rd party marketing platform API’s (i.e. Google, Yahoo Gemini, Facebook, etc) to offer granular reporting views & rule-based programmatic updates.
      2010 – 2013

CPC Strategy

Director of Platform & Development

      San Diego, CA
Built the Rev platform to work as a self-service, closed-loop solution to help small businesses integrate & scale on the Amazon Marketplace.
  • Developed a unique method to streamline the process of matching client’s individual SKU’s to Amazon ASIN’s & monitoring the ASIN’s for changes made by a 3rd party.
  • Built a robust internal reporting tool to allow clients to analyze sales data in different ways to identify their best performing items, categories, and item variations for future growth.
  • Created a system to monitor feedback at the ASIN-level and at the seller-level to avoid potential dips in sales or seller account suspensions.
  • Created a tool to retrieve client spend from ad-platforms, even if API access was unavailable.
      2006 – 2010

Commission Junction (now Conversant)

Paid Inclusion & Datafeed Manager

      Los Angeles, CA
Built a proprietary system to manage & optimize SEM campaigns for datafeed-based ad platforms (i.e. Google Shopping,, etc)
  • Integrated platform with Mediaplex to generate reports for client strategy meetings.
  • Developed client-specific modules to optimize unique data sets & maximize profit.
  • Developed daily, weekly & monthly goals, strategies and action plans to improve campaign performance & client satisfaction.
      2005 – 2006


Director of Paid Inclusion

      Los Angeles, CA
Managed & scaled SEM campaigns on Yahoo Search Submit Pro (SSP) and comparison shopping engines. Analyzed performance data and executed account-specific plans to increase efficiencies & client satisfaction.
  • Created a tool to create & update optimized datafeeds on the Yahoo Search Submit Pro ad platform.
  • Integrated Yahoo reporting data with internal ad tracking platform (DSMM) with an emphasis on keywords that return a high ROI
      2002 – 2005

Unreal Marketing

Director of Paid Inclusion

      Philadelphia, PA
Developed the Mission Oriented Search Engine System to help account managers & account management teams automate time-intensive tasks.
  • Managed and maintained trusted feeds submitted to Yahoo SSP, Bizrate, Nextag, & other comparison shopping engines.
  • Integrated datafeed generator with Yahoo’s keyword tool, optimizing toward relevant keywords generate high traffic volume.
  • Projected monthly cost, volume, and performance for both new and prospective clients.

Career Map


SDPHP (Host)

     San Diego, CA
     2011 – 2013

Los Angeles Marketing Professionals

     Los Angeles, CA
     2008 – 2010

Narberth Young Professionals

     Philadelphia, PA
     2003 – 2005